Key Steps to Renting Out Your Property: A Comprehensive Guide

Key Steps to Renting Out Your Property: A Comprehensive Guide

Renting out your property can be a profitable venture, but it involves more than just listing your house or apartment online. To ensure you attract reliable tenants and manage your property efficiently, it's essential to follow several key steps. In this blog post by RentSavvy, we will guide you through the process of renting out your property, from preparing your home to selecting the right tenant placement services and utilizing the best landlord software available.

1. Prepare Your Property

Before you start looking for tenants, make sure your property is ready to rent. This includes:

  • Cleaning and Repairs: Ensure the property is clean and all necessary repairs are completed. This will create a good first impression and increase the likelihood of attracting quality tenants.
  • Safety Checks: Conduct safety checks and ensure that smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers are functioning correctly. Make sure to take care of any hazards; for instance, repair any loose railings and check to make sure all electrical outlets are in working order.
  • Curb Appeal: Enhance the exterior of your property to make it more appealing. Simple landscaping updates and a fresh coat of paint can make a big difference.

2. Determine the Right Rental Price

Setting the right rental price is crucial. Research rental prices in your area for similar properties to get an idea of what you can charge. Consider factors such as comps, location, amenities, and the condition of your property. A competitive price will attract more potential tenants.

3. Market Your Property

Effective marketing is key to finding the right tenant. Here are some strategies:

  • Online Listings: Use popular rental websites and social media platforms to list your property. High-quality photos and a detailed description will make your listing stand out.
  • Word of Mouth: Inform friends, family, and colleagues that you have a property for rent. Personal referrals can often lead to finding reliable tenants.
  • Signs: Place "For Rent" signs in front of the property and around the neighborhood. This can attract locals who might be interested.

RentSavvy offers comprehensive support for online listings, ensuring your property reaches a broad audience of potential tenants. By leveraging our platform, you can create professional-quality listings complete with high-resolution photos, detailed descriptions, and virtual tours. RentSavvy's sophisticated algorithms and extensive network syndicate you're listing across multiple rental websites and social media channels, maximizing visibility. Furthermore, our analytics tools provide valuable insights into your listing's performance, allowing you to make data-driven adjustments to attract more interest and secure the ideal tenant more quickly.

4. Screen Potential Tenants

Screening tenants is a critical step to ensure you select reliable and responsible individuals. This process should include:

  • Credit Checks: Assess the financial stability of applicants to ensure they can meet rental payments.
  • Background Checks: Review an applicant's rental history and conduct criminal background checks to minimize potential risks.
  • References: Request references from previous landlords to get insights into an applicant's rental behavior and reliability.

RentSavvy simplifies this process for you by offering comprehensive tenant screening services. Our platform conducts thorough credit and background checks and collects references, ensuring you find the best possible tenants for your property.

5. Screen Potential Tenants

Screening tenants is one of the most critical steps in the rental process. A thorough screening process helps you avoid problematic tenants and ensures your property is well cared for. Here’s how to screen potential tenants effectively:

  • Potential Tenant Questionnaire: Develop a questionnaire to gather essential information from applicants. This should include their employment status, income, rental history, and references.
  • Background and Credit Checks: Conduct background checks to verify criminal records and credit checks to assess financial responsibility. Many tenant placement services include these checks as part of their offering.
  • References: Contact previous landlords and employers to confirm the applicant’s rental history and employment status.

6. Draft a Lease Agreement

A well-drafted lease agreement protects both you and your tenant. It should include:

  • Rent and Deposit Amounts: Clearly state the rent amount, due date, and security deposit requirements.
  • Lease Term: Specify the duration of the lease, whether it's month-to-month or for a fixed term like one year.
  • Responsibilities: Outline the responsibilities of both parties, including maintenance, repairs, and utilities.
  • Rules and Restrictions: Include any rules regarding pets, smoking, and property modifications.

7. Use Landlord Property Management Software

Managing a rental property can be time-consuming, but using the best property management software, such as RentSavvy can streamline many tasks. Landlord software offers various features that simplify property management, including:

  • Tenant Screening: Some landlord software features built-in tenant screening tools.
  • Rent Collection: Automated rent collection and reminders can reduce late payments.
  • Maintenance Requests: Property management software for maintenance allows tenants to submit requests online, making it easier to track and address issues.
  • Accounting: Keep track of income and expenses with integrated accounting features.
  • Communication: Facilitate communication between you and your tenants.

8. Conduct Regular Inspections

Regular property inspections help you ensure that your property is being maintained properly. Schedule inspections at least twice a year to check for any damage or needed repairs. This also gives you an opportunity to address any issues before they become major problems.

9. Stay Informed About Landlord-Tenant Laws

Understanding landlord-tenant laws in your area is crucial to avoid legal issues. Familiarize yourself with regulations regarding rent increases, eviction procedures, and tenant rights. Staying informed will help you handle disputes effectively and maintain a good relationship with your tenants.

10. Plan for Maintenance and Repairs

Unexpected maintenance issues can arise at any time. Having a plan in place will help you address these problems quickly. Consider setting aside a portion of the rental income for maintenance and repairs. Additionally, having a list of trusted contractors and service providers can save you time when issues arise.


Renting out your property can be a rewarding experience when approached correctly. By following these key steps—preparing your property, setting the right rental price, marketing effectively, utilizing tenant placement services, and using the best landlord property management software—you can attract reliable tenants and manage your property efficiently.

For more tips and resources on renting out your property, visit RentSavvy. We provide a comprehensive solution to help landlords maximize their rental income and minimize stress. Happy renting!